Sunday, December 16, 2007

my yellow bird

I once heard a woman say that poetry and words were mixtures of the heart. I liked that. Annie Dillard said that she wishes to remember it all, as no one has before. I liked that too. Maybe my own mixtures of the heart are paved by simple words of others like these, phrases and fractions of lyrics, poems, conversations light and profound... How many times do we truly open our hearts to embedded words or beauty, whether they truly change us by their meaning or we simply love the way it sounds on our lips, our bodies radiating an echoe of ourselves. The answer I have come to settle with is that those times are few and precious, and yet they build us to become something more than ourselves, interconnected and reflecting something greater. It is when we recognize the beauty in being deeply human that we see whats beyond the deeply human. I read once that everyone should write, everyday. Because it brings you back to the origin of your being, the center of who you are, renewing your mind and spirit, with peace deeper than your conscious state of mind. I want to drown myself in words, and bring myself closer day by day to that beauty - because everyone has stories. My friend told me "WAS" was the most beautiful word in the english language, because it signifies change. I liked that. Another friend told me infinity was the quiet hours of the night when you were a child, eyes open to the frantic blackness of the room. I liked that too.

I was in an old antique shop a few weeks ago in the record section, and the old radio next to me was playing christmas songs and oldies. A raspy voice spoke through the little box, "And here's Molly, she's studying story telling... lets hear her tell us a story..." I think thats when I told myself. I want to tell stories, or describe moments that are easily forgotten. Easily forgotten like the door to one of the numerous rooms in the antique shop. I've fallen in love with broken doors and windows, chipped walls and paint, peeling colors and clumps of wood, old and telling a story of who it was before. Brian Webb's lyrics say "I want to fall in love with who you are without me," I liked that. Bright Eyes' lyrics say "and I never knew this life was possible. You're the yellow bird that i've been waiting for," I liked that too.

In Love,


1 comment:

smittyc_42 said...

i love bright eyes and their yellow bird references. and i love your writing.