Friday, February 8, 2008

doubting thomas

It is a sense of space, a fear of failure.
Its a fear that we will spend our entire lives merely traveling to the place where we will leave it.
Can I be made into a leader?
The comparisons and standards and worldly ideals and definitions of success - they surround me, they take me away from the Cross, they put doubt in my mind.
Oh the Lord has blessed me and opened doors and I can see just a faint line of His picture, His perfect plan. So much bigger than I am, it was never a story about me, and how thankful I am - for I am nothing apart from Christ.
And in the midst of the joy I am overwhelmed, I am troubled by my sin. All my longings lie open before you, O Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you (psalm 38:9).
But I will follow the Lord, who said Lo, I am with you always (matthew 28:20).
Forgive me for my doubt, and be patient with me...
I pray that my life would be a hymn of praise to You God, and that You would guide me throughout this ministry that I get to be apart of, because You have found me, chosen me, transformed me. Use me, I pray. Amen..
In Love,

What will be left when I've drawn my last breath,
Besides the folks I've met and the folks who know me,
Will I discover a soul saving love,
Or just the dirt above and below me,
I'm a doubting thomas,
I took a promise,
But I do not feel safe,
Oh me of little faith..
Sometimes I pray for a slap in the face,
Then I beg to be spared 'cause I'm a coward,
If there's a master of death I'll bet he's holding his breath,
As I show the blind and tell the deaf about his power,
I'm a doubting thomas,I can't keep my promises,
'Cause i don't know what's safe,
oh me of little faith
Can I be used to help others find truth,
When I'm scared I'll find proof that its a lie,
Can I be lead down a trail dropping bread crumbs,
That prove I'm not ready to die,
Please give me time to decipher the signs,
Please forgive me for time that I've wasted,
I'm a doubting thomas,
I'll take your promise,
Though I know nothin's safe,
Oh me of little faith
- nickel creek


Kyle said...

so i don't feel like i have to comment on every one of your posts but...

1. did you get placed at a YL leader? if so where?

2. that is a beautiful prayer. i'm jealous that your writing sounds so poetic where mine sounds analytical

3. i love that song

"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." -Zeph 3:17


Hannah Mohr said...

I love you :-)