Wednesday, April 15, 2009

in silence.

I took a break.

from writing I guess you could say.

I stuck with prayers, but all other thoughts and poems were put on hold. I don't really know what caused the writers block/strike, but for some reason I felt it was needed and would bring healing. Sometimes the mention of words is another idol that I believe in.

Since this summer I've really realized the failing power of words.
And sometimes when its time to write, I'm overcome with grief in the reality that words can also cut pretty deeply. I'm not always ready to hear them, feel their cold and lifeless shape in front of me.

But I am hopeful.

uncrowd my heart, Oh God,
until silence speaks
in Your still small voice;
turn me from the hearing of words,
and the making of words,
and the confusion of much speaking,
to listening, waiting, stillness,

- Thomas Merton