Sunday, September 7, 2008

i like you

What is this welling up inside of my very heart
should I fear the touch of your eyelashes on my check bones
whispering gently the purpose of their being
enthralled by the life in your lips and the way that they curve and bend
I cannot seem to ever leave them
Your hands are so sweet when they meet my own
I want nothing more than to lose them in your embrace
I pine for one more kiss
one more promise that this is different
can it be?
I am so bewildered by the sincerity in your voice
the desire to instill in me the belief that
I am something worth holding to you
It penetrates and evaporates all other thoughts of doubt
Your heart seeks adventure and life
in simple goodness of the day's first promise
My mind is awake with the thoughts of
what God will graciously pour into my life
I wait in the storm of your eyes
reflecting clouds and complex mosaic structures
that keep me still and at peace
for He has made you to be a heart so loving
something I have never known or dared hope for
but I pray to know deeper still
even in the simple touch of your eyelashes
against my slender check..